Complete The Function Definition To Return The Hours Given Minutes.

Complete the function definition to return the hours given minutes. This task involves creating a function that takes the number of minutes as input and returns the corresponding number of hours. The function should handle various scenarios and provide accurate results.

Understanding the logic behind converting minutes to hours is crucial for implementing this function effectively.

The function’s parameters, conversion logic, and return value will be explored in detail, along with an example implementation and additional considerations for handling special cases. This comprehensive guide will provide a thorough understanding of how to complete the function definition for converting minutes to hours.

Function Definition

Complete the function definition to return the hours given minutes.

The convert_minutes_to_hours function converts a given number of minutes into the equivalent number of hours.

For example, the function call convert_minutes_to_hours(120) would return the value 2.0, since 120 minutes is equal to 2 hours.


  • minutes(int): The number of minutes to convert to hours.

Conversion Logic

The conversion logic is as follows:

  1. Divide the number of minutes by 60.
  2. The result is the number of hours.

For example, to convert 120 minutes to hours, we would divide 120 by 60, which gives us 2.0.

Return Value, Complete the function definition to return the hours given minutes.

The function returns a float representing the number of hours.

The return value is calculated by dividing the number of minutes by 60.

Example Implementation

Here is an example implementation of the convert_minutes_to_hours function in Python:

def convert_minutes_to_hours(minutes):
  """Converts a given number of minutes into the equivalent number of hours.

    minutes (int): The number of minutes to convert to hours.

    float: The number of hours.

""" return minutes / 60 ```

Additional Considerations

There are no special cases or edge cases that need to be handled.

One possible improvement to the function would be to add a check to ensure that the input is a valid number of minutes.

HTML Table Example

The following HTML table demonstrates the input-output behavior of the convert_minutes_to_hours function:

Minutes Hours Function Call
60 1.0 convert_minutes_to_hours(60)
120 2.0 convert_minutes_to_hours(120)
180 3.0 convert_minutes_to_hours(180)

FAQs: Complete The Function Definition To Return The Hours Given Minutes.

What is the purpose of this function?

The purpose of this function is to convert a given number of minutes into the corresponding number of hours.

How do I use this function?

To use this function, you need to pass the number of minutes as an argument to the function. The function will then return the corresponding number of hours.

What is the data type of the return value?

The data type of the return value is a floating-point number.